Tag Archives: activision

New Monkey Island Special Edition Collection Coming in September

The Monkey Island Special Edition titles brought two of the most beloved games of all time to a whole new audience reared on HD consoles — and also proved that the point and click adventure was far from dead. Now, LucasArts is bringing the two games to retail for those who haven’t yet had the chance to play them, or those who prefer to have a physical product to a downloadable title.

The new pack comes with some extra bonus content, too — besides the games, the second of which features audio commentary from Tim Schafer, Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman, the package will come with concept art for the Special Edition versions of the games as well as a copy of the games’ remastered and rerecorded soundtracks. Perhaps most interesting for fans of the series, though, will be the storyboards and concept art for a canned Industrial Light & Magic-produced Monkey Island movie that never got off the drawing board.

Rated 12+ by PEGI, Monkey Island Special Edition Collection will release on 9th September in Europe for the Xbox 360, PlayStation, and Windows PC.

No word from LucasArts and Activision if the collection is coming to the United States. I’ll update this story if and when I get confirmation one way or the other.

Guita Hero Really Dead?

Rumours of Guitar Hero’s death have been greatly exagerrated it seems, as Activision’s Dan Winters has declared that the franchise is simply taking a break rather than finished for good.

“Actually, just to clarify, we’re just putting Guitar Hero on hiatus, we’re not ending it,” said Winters. “We’re releasing products out of the vault – we’ll continue to sustain the channel, the brand won’t go away. We’re just not making a new one for next year, that’s all.”

Activision had previously announced that it had shelved the Guitar Hero franchise, leading us to believe that the brand had been done away with permanently. Apparently that now translates to there simply being no music games from Activision for 2011.

Activision’s strategy will instead “focus disproportionately on three big, huge monsters,” Winters stated. “Those three monsters are the Bungie, Call of Duty and Spyro titles.”

So, that presumably means we can expect to see a new Guitar Hero title in 2012. Presumably…